The Word Miracle Center International

"Don't Get Distracted In Your Moment"

We Face many challenges in life, but keep pushing, keep praying and watch God move for you!

Trouble only last for a while, then God will step in your situation and turn everything around. Don't panic, but pray! Your season of suffering is over! Now it's time for you to receive the promise! Just trust him when you can't trace him, be encouraged this day says the Lord.

When the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. We at The World Miracle Center believe in the power of prayer. We are living in a time when people are hurting and suffering in silence, and they don't know who to turn to. But God is raising up a generation of intercessors that will pray until something happens. Apostle Pearson and The Word Miracle Center will continue to keep everyone lifted in prayer.

Stay alert and sober, the enemy desires to catch us off-guard, but we will stay on the wall and we will not come off until Deliverance take place.

God bless you!
Apostle Pearson